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收藏转发 | 高中英语新课标词汇表(2020修订版)









1. a(an)

2. abandon**

3. ability

4. able

5. abnormal**

6. aboard**

7. about

8. above

9. abroad

10. absence**

11. absent

12. absolutely*

13. absorb**

14. abstract**

15. abuse**

16. academic**

17. accent**

18. accept

19. access**

20. accident*

21. accommodation**

22. accompany**

23. according to

24. account*

25. accurate**

26. accuse**

27. ache*

28. achieve

29. achievement*

30. acid**

31. acknowledge**

32. acquire*

33. across

34. act

35. action

36. active

37. activity

38. actor

39. actress

40. actually*

41. AD**

42. adapt*

43. adaptation**

44. add

45. addict*

46. addition*

47. address

48. adjust**

49. administration**

50. admire*

51. admit*

52. adopt**

53. adorable**

54. adult*

55. advance*

56. advantage

57. adventure*

58. advertise**

59. advertisement(ad)**

60. advice

61. advise

62. advocate**

63. affair*

64. affect**

65. afford

66. afraid

67. Africa

68. African

69. after

70. afternoon

71. afterward**

72. again

73. against

74. age

75. agency**

76. agenda**

77. ago

78. agree

79. agreement

80. agriculture*

81. ahead*

82. aid*

83. aim*

84. air

85. airline**

86. airport

87. alarm*

88. alcohol**

89. alive

90. all

91. allow

92. almost

93. alone

94. along

95. alongside**

96. aloud

97. already

98. also

99. alternative**

100. although

101. altogether**

102. always

103. a.m.*

104. amateur**

105. amazing*

106. ambition**

107. ambitious**

108. ambulance**

109. America

110. American

111. among

112. amount*

113. amuse**

114. analyse(analyze)**

115. ancestor**

116. ancient

117. and

118. anger**

119. angle**

120. angry

121. animal

122. ankle**

123. announce*

124. annoy**

125. annual*

126. another

127. answer

128. ant

129. anticipate**

130. antique**

131. anxiety**

132. anxious*

133. any

134. anybody

135. anyhow**

136. anyone

137. anything

138. anyway

139. anywhere

140. apart**

141. apartment*

142. apologise(apologize)*

143. apparently**

144. appeal**

145. appear

146. appetite**

147. applaud**

148. apple

149. applicant**

150. application*

151. apply*

152. appointment**

153. appreciate**

154. approach*

155. appropriate**

156. approve**

157. April

158. arch**

159. architect**

160. area

161. argue*

162. arise**

163. arm

164. army

165. around

166. arrangement*

167. arrest**

168. arrive

169. arrow**

170. art

171. article

172. artificial**

173. artist

174. as

175. ashamed**

176. Asia

177. Asian

178. aside**

179. ask

180. asleep

181. aspect*

182. assess**

183. assign**

184. assistant**

185. association**

186. assume*

187. assumption**

188. astonish**

189. astronaut**

190. astronomer**

191. at

192. athlete*

193. Atlantic*

194. atmosphere**

195. attach*

196. attack*

197. attain**

198. attempt*

199. attend

200. attention

201. attitude*

202. attract*

203. audience*

204. August

205. aunt

206. Australia

207. Australian

208. author*

209. authority*

210. automatic**

211. autonomous**

212. autumn

213. available**

214. average*

215. avoid

216. awake

217. award*

218. aware*

219. away

220. awesome**

221. awful

222. awkward*

223. baby

224. back

225. background

226. backward**

227. bacon**

228. bad

229. badminton*

230. bag

231. bakery**

232. balance*

233. ball

234. ballet*

235. balloon

236. bamboo

237. ban**

238. banana

239. band*

240. bank

241. bar*

242. barbecue**

243. barely**

244. bark**

245. barrier**

246. base*

247. baseball

248. basic

249. basin**

250. basis*

251. basket

252. basketball

253. bat**

254. bath**

255. bathroom

256. battery*

257. battle*

258. bay**

259. BC**

260. be (am, are, is )

261. beach

262. bean

263. bean curd (tofu)**

264. bear

265. beard**

266. beat

267. beautiful

268. beauty**

269. because

270. become

271. bed

272. bedroom

273. beef

274. beer*

275. before

276. begin

277. behalf**

278. behave**

279. behaviour(behavior)*

280. behind

281. being**

282. belief**

283. believe

284. bell

285. belong*

286. below

287. belt*

288. bend**

289. beneath*

290. benefit*

291. beside

292. best

293. bet**

294. better

295. between

296. beyond*

297. big

298. bike(bicycle)

299. bill

300. billion**

301. biology**

302. bird

303. birth

304. birthday

305. biscuit

306. bit

307. bite*

308. bitter**

309. black

310. blackboard

311. blame**

312. blank**

313. blanket**

314. bleed**

315. bless**

316. blind

317. block

318. blog*

319. blood

320. blouse

321. blow

322. blue

323. board

324. boat

325. body

326. boil**

327. bomb**

328. bond**

329. bone*

330. bonus**

331. book

332. boost**

333. boot*

334. border**

335. bored

336. boring

337. born

338. borrow

339. boss

340. botanical**

341. both

342. bother**

343. bottle

344. bottom

345. bounce**

346. bound**

347. boundary**

348. bow**

349. bowl

350. bowling**

351. box

352. boxing*

353. boy

354. brain

355. branch*

356. brave

357. bread

358. break

359. breakfast

360. breast**

361. breath**

362. breathe*

363. brick**

364. bride/bridegroom**

365. bridge

366. brief*

367. bright

368. brilliant**

369. bring

370. Britain

371. British

372. broad*

373. broadcast**

374. brochure*

375. brother

376. brown

377. brush

378. budget**

379. buffet**

380. build

381. building

382. bunch**

383. burn

384. bury**

385. bus

386. business

387. busy

388. but

389. butcher**

390. butter*

391. button*

392. buy

393. by

394. cabbage**

395. café*

396. cafeteria**

397. cage**

398. cake

399. calculate**

400. calendar

401. call

402. calligraphy*

403. calm*

404. calorie**

405. camel**

406. camera

407. camp

408. campaign**

409. campus*

410. can

411. Canada

412. Canadian

413. canal**

414. cancel

415. cancer**

416. candidate**

417. candle

418. candy

419. canteen**

420. cap

421. capable*

422. capacity**

423. capital

424. capsule**

425. captain**

426. car

427. carbon*

428. card

429. care

430. career**

431. careful

432. careless

433. carpet**

434. carrot

435. carry

436. cartoon

437. carve**

438. case*

439. cash*

440. cast**

441. castle**

442. cat

443. catch

444. category**

445. cattle*

446. cause

447. cave**

448. cease**

449. ceiling**

450. celebrate

451. celebrity**

452. cell**

453. cent

454. centimetre(centimeter)**

455. central

456. centre(center)

457. century

458. certain

459. certainly

460. certificate**

461. chain*

462. chair

463. chairman/chairwoman**

464. chalk

465. challenge*

466. champion*

467. chance

468. change

469. channel**

470. chaos**

471. chapter*

472. character*

473. characteristic**

474. charge*

475. charity*

476. chart**

477. chat*

478. cheap

479. cheat**

480. check

481. cheek**

482. cheer

483. cheese**

484. chef**

485. chemical**

486. chemist**

487. chemistry

488. chess

489. chest**

490. chew**

491. chicken

492. chief*

493. child (pl. children)

494. China

495. china*

496. Chinese

497. chocolate

498. choice

499. choke**

500. choose

501. chopsticks

502. chorus**

503. Christmas

504. church**

505. cigarette**

506. cinema

507. circle

508. circuit**

509. circumstance**

510. circus**

511. cite**

512. citizen**

513. city

514. civil**

515. civilian**

516. civilisation(civilization)**

517. claim**

518. clap*

519. clarify**

520. class

521. classic**

522. classmate

523. classroom

524. clay**

525. clean

526. clear

527. clerk**

528. clever

529. click*

530. client**

531. climate*

532. climb

533. clinic**

534. clock

535. clone**

536. close

537. cloth**

538. clothes

539. cloud

540. cloudy

541. club

542. clue**

543. coach

544. coal

545. coast

546. coat

547. coffee

548. coin

549. cold

550. collapse**

551. collar**

552. collect

553. collection**

554. college

555. colour(color)

556. column**

557. combine**

558. come

559. comedy**

560. comfort**

561. comfortable

562. comic**

563. comment*

564. commercial**

565. commit**

566. commitment**

567. committee*

568. common

569. communicate

570. communication

571. communist**

572. community

573. company*

574. compare

575. comparison**

576. compete**

577. competence**

578. competition

579. complain**

580. complete

581. complex**

582. complicated**

583. component**

584. compose**

585. composition**

586. comprehension**

587. comprehensive**

588. comprise**

589. computer

590. concentrate*

591. concept**

592. concern*

593. concert

594. conclude**

595. conclusion**

596. concrete**

597. condition

598. conduct*

599. conference*

600. confidence*

601. confirm*

602. conflict**

603. Confucianism**

604. Confucius**

605. confused**

606. congratulation*

607. connect

608. consequence**

609. conservation**

610. consider

611. consist**

612. consistent**

613. constant**

614. constitution**

615. construction**

616. consultant**

617. consultation**

618. consume**

619. consumption**

620. contact*

621. contain*

622. contemporary**

623. content*

624. contest**

625. context*

626. continent*

627. continue

628. contract**

629. contradictory**

630. contrary**

631. contrast**

632. contribution*

633. control

634. convenient*

635. conventional**

636. conversation

637. convince**

638. cook

639. cookie

640. cool

641. cooperate**

642. copy

643. core**

644. corn

645. corner

646. corporate**

647. correct

648. correspond**

649. cost

650. costume**

651. cottage**

652. cotton**

653. cough

654. could

655. council**

656. count

657. country

658. countryside

659. county*

660. couple

661. courage

662. course

663. court*

664. cousin

665. cover

666. coverage**

667. cow

668. crash*

669. crayon

670. crazy

671. cream**

672. create

673. creative*

674. creature**

675. credit*

676. crew**

677. crime**

678. crisis**

679. criterion(pl. criteria)**

680. critical**

681. criticise(criticize)**

682. crop**

683. cross

684. crowd*

685. crucial**

686. cruel**

687. cry

688. cuisine**

689. culture

690. cup

691. cupboard**

692. cure*

693. curious*

694. current*

695. curtain**

696. custom*

697. customer

698. cut

699. cute

700. cycle**

701. daily

702. damage**

703. damp**

704. dance

705. danger

706. dangerous

707. dare**

708. dark

709. data*

710. database**

711. date

712. daughter

713. day

714. dead

715. deadline**

716. deaf

717. deal

718. dear

719. death*

720. debate**

721. debt**

722. decade**

723. December

724. decent**

725. decide

726. decision

727. declare*

728. decline**

729. decorate*

730. decrease**

731. deep

732. deer*

733. defeat**

734. defence(defense)*

735. defend**

736. definitely*

737. definition**

738. degree

739. delay**

740. delete**

741. delicate**

742. delicious

743. deliver*

744. demand**

745. demonstrate**

746. dentist**

747. deny**

748. department**

749. departure**

750. depend

751. depress**

752. depth**

753. describe

754. description*

755. desert*

756. deserve**

757. design*

758. desire*

759. desk

760. desperate**

761. despite*

762. dessert**

763. destination*

764. destroy*

765. detail*

766. detect**

767. detective**

768. determine*

769. develop

770. development

771. device**

772. devote**

773. diagram*

774. dialogue(dialog)

775. diamond**

776. diary

777. dictionary

778. die

779. diet*

780. differ**

781. difference

782. different

783. difficult

784. difficulty

785. dig

786. digest**

787. digital*

788. dignity**

789. dimension**

790. dining

791. dinner

792. dinosaur*

793. direct

794. direction

795. director

796. directory **

797. dirty

798. disability**

799. disabled**

800. disappear*

801. disappointed**

802. disaster*

803. discipline**

804. discount**

805. discover

806. discovery

807. discrimination**

808. discuss

809. discussion

810. disease*

811. dish

812. disk=disc**

813. dismiss**

814. display**

815. distance*

816. distant**

817. distinct**

818. distinguish**

819. distribution**

820. district**

821. disturb**

822. dive**

823. diverse**

824. divide

825. division**

826. dizzy**

827. do

828. doctor

829. document*

830. dog

831. dollar

832. dolphin*

833. domain**

834. domestic**

835. dominate**

836. donate*

837. door

838. dormitory**

839. double

840. doubt

841. down

842. download*

843. downstairs*

844. downtown*

845. dozen**

846. draft**

847. drag**

848. dragon*

849. drama**

850. dramatic**

851. draw

852. drawer**

853. dream

854. dress

855. drill**

856. drink

857. drive

858. driver

859. drop

860. drought*

861. drug**

862. dry

863. duck

864. due to*

865. dumpling

866. duration**

867. during

868. dust**

869. duty*

870. dynamic**

871. dynasty**

872. each

873. eager*

874. eagle**

875. ear

876. early

877. earn*

878. earth

879. earthquake

880. ease**

881. east

882. eastern

883. easy

884. eat

885. ecology**

886. economic**

887. edge**

888. editor*

889. education

890. educator**

891. effect*

892. efficient**

893. effort*

894. egg

895. eight

896. eighteen

897. eighth

898. eighty

899. either

900. elder

901. elderly**

902. election**

903. electricity*

904. electronic

905. elegant**

906. element

907. elephant

908. eleven

909. else

910. elsewhere**

911. email

912. embarrassed**

913. emerge**

914. emergency**

915. emotion**

916. emperor**

917. emphasis**

918. employ**

919. empty

920. enable*

921. encounter**

922. encourage

923. end

924. enemy

925. energetic*

926. energy*

927. engage**

928. engine*

929. engineer

930. England

931. English

932. enhance**

933. enjoy

934. enormous**

935. enough

936. ensure*

937. enter

938. enterprise**

939. entertainment**

940. enthusiastic**

941. entirely*

942. entitle**

943. entrance*

944. entry**

945. envelope*

946. environment

947. envy**

948. episode**

949. equal*

950. equator**

951. equipment*

952. era**

953. eraser

954. error*

955. erupt*

956. escape*

957. especially

958. essay**

959. essential**

960. establish*

961. estate**

962. estimate**

963. Europe

964. European

965. evaluate**

966. eve*

967. even

968. evening

969. event*

970. eventually*

971. ever

972. every

973. everybody

974. everyday

975. everyone

976. everything

977. everywhere

978. evidence**

979. exactly

980. exam(=examination)

981. examine**

982. example

983. excellent

984. except

985. exceptional**

986. exchange*

987. excited

988. exciting

989. excuse

990. exercise

991. exhibition**

992. exist*

993. exit*

994. expand**

995. expansion**

996. expect

997. expectation**

998. expense**

999. expensive

1000. experience

1001. experiment*

1002. expert*

1003. explain

1004. explode**

1005. explore*

1006. export*

1007. expose**

1008. exposure**

1009. express

1010. extend**

1011. extension**

1012. extent*

1013. external*

1014. extinction*

1015. extra*

1016. extraordinary**

1017. extremely*

1018. eye

1019. fabric**

1020. face

1021. facilitate**

1022. facility*

1023. fact

1024. factor*

1025. factory

1026. fail

1027. failure*

1028. fair

1029. faith**

1030. fall

1031. false**

1032. familiar*

1033. family

1034. famous

1035. fan

1036. fancy*

1037. fantastic

1038. fantasy**

1039. far

1040. farm

1041. farmer

1042. fashion**

1043. fast

1044. fat

1045. father(dad)

1046. fault**

1047. favour(favor)**

1048. favourite(favorite)

1049. fear

1050. feature*

1051. February

1052. fee**

1053. feed

1054. feel

1055. feeling

1056. fellow**

1057. female*

1058. fence**

1059. festival

1060. fetch**

1061. fever

1062. few

1063. fibre(fiber)**

1064. fiction**

1065. field

1066. fifteen

1067. fifth

1068. fifty

1069. fight

1070. figure*

1071. file*

1072. fill

1073. film

1074. finally

1075. finance**

1076. financial**

1077. find

1078. finding**

1079. fine

1080. finger

1081. finish

1082. fire

1083. firm**

1084. first

1085. fish

1086. fisherman

1087. fist**

1088. fit

1089. five

1090. fix

1091. flag

1092. flash*

1093. flat*

1094. flavour(flavor)**

1095. flexible*

1096. flight*

1097. flood*

1098. floor

1099. flour**

1100. flow**

1101. flower

1102. flu**

1103. fluent**

1104. fly

1105. focus*

1106. foggy**

1107. fold**

1108. folk**

1109. follow

1110. fond**

1111. food

1112. foot(pl. feet)

1113. football

1114. for

1115. force

1116. forecast**

1117. forehead**

1118. foreign

1119. forest

1120. forever**

1121. forget

1122. forgive**

1123. fork

1124. form

1125. formal*

1126. format**

1127. former*

1128. fortunately*

1129. forty

1130. forward*

1131. found**

1132. foundation**

1133. fountain**

1134. four

1135. fourteen

1136. fourth

1137. fox**

1138. France

1139. frank*

1140. free

1141. freedom**

1142. freeze**

1143. French

1144. frequency**

1145. frequently*

1146. fresh

1147. friction**

1148. Friday

1149. fridge(refrigerator)

1150. friend

1151. friendly

1152. friendship

1153. frightened*

1154. frog**

1155. from

1156. front

1157. frontier**

1158. frost**

1159. fruit

1160. fry**

1161. fuel**

1162. full

1163. fun

1164. function*

1165. fund*

1166. fundamental**

1167. funny

1168. furniture**

1169. further*

1170. future

1171. gain**

1172. gallery**

1173. game

1174. gap*

1175. garbage**

1176. garden

1177. garlic**

1178. gas*

1179. gate

1180. gather*

1181. gender**

1182. general

1183. generate**

1184. generation*

1185. generous*

1186. genius**

1187. gentle**

1188. gentleman

1189. genuine**

1190. geography

1191. geometry**

1192. German

1193. Germany

1194. get

1195. gift

1196. gifted**

1197. giraffe

1198. girl

1199. give

1200. glad

1201. glass

1202. global*

1203. globe**

1204. glove

1205. glue

1206. go

1207. goal*

1208. goat**

1209. gold

1210. golf**

1211. good

1212. goodbye(bye)

1213. goods*

1214. government

1215. grab**

1216. grade

1217. gradually**

1218. graduate*

1219. grain**

1220. grammar

1221. gramme(gram)**

1222. grand**

1223. granddaughter

1224. grandfather(grandpa)

1225. grandmother(grandma)

1226. grandparent

1227. grandson

1228. grape

1229. grasp**

1230. grass

1231. grateful**

1232. gravity**

1233. great

1234. greedy**

1235. green

1236. greenhouse*

1237. greet**

1238. grey

1239. grocery**

1240. ground

1241. group

1242. grow

1243. guarantee**

1244. guard

1245. guess

1246. guest

1247. guidance**

1248. guide

1249. guideline*

1250. guilty**

1251. guitar

1252. gun

1253. guy*

1254. gym*

1255. gymnastics*

1256. habit

1257. habitat**

1258. hair

1259. half

1260. hall

1261. ham**

1262. hamburger

1263. hand

1264. handbag

1265. handkerchief**

1266. handle**

1267. handsome

1268. handwriting**

1269. hang

1270. happen

1271. happy

1272. hard

1273. hardly

1274. harm**

1275. harmful

1276. harmonious**

1277. harmony**

1278. harvest**

1279. hat

1280. hatch**

1281. hate

1282. have(has)

1283. he

1284. head

1285. headache

1286. health

1287. healthy

1288. hear

1289. heart

1290. heat

1291. heavy

1292. height

1293. hello

1294. help

1295. helpful

1296. hen

1297. hence**

1298. her

1299. herb**

1300. here

1301. hero

1302. hers

1303. herself

1304. hesitate*

1305. hi

1306. hide

1307. high

1308. highlight**

1309. hike**

1310. hill

1311. him

1312. himself

1313. hire**

1314. his

1315. historic**

1316. history

1317. hit

1318. hobby

1319. hold

1320. hole

1321. holiday

1322. home

1323. hometown

1324. homework

1325. honest

1326. honey*

1327. honour(honor)*

1328. hope

1329. horrible*

1330. horse

1331. hospital

1332. host*

1333. hot

1334. hotel

1335. hour

1336. house

1337. household**

1338. housework

1339. housing**

1340. how

1341. however

1342. hug*

1343. huge

1344. human

1345. humble**

1346. humorous

1347. hundred

1348. hungry

1349. hunt**

1350. hurricane*

1351. hurry

1352. hurt

1353. husband

1354. hydrogen**

1355. I

1356. ice

1357. ice-cream

1358. idea

1359. ideal**

1360. identical**

1361. identify**

1362. identity*

1363. idiom**

1364. if

1365. ignore*

1366. ill

1367. illegal**

1368. illness

1369. illustrate*

1370. image*

1371. imagine

1372. immediately*

1373. impact*

1374. imply**

1375. import*

1376. important

1377. impossible

1378. impress**

1379. impression*

1380. improve*

1381. in

1382. inch**

1383. incident**

1384. include

1385. income*

1386. increase

1387. incredible**

1388. indeed*

1389. independent*

1390. India

1391. Indian

1392. indicate*

1393. individual*

1394. industry

1395. infection**

1396. infer**

1397. influence

1398. influential**

1399. information

1400. initial**

1401. initiative**

1402. injury**

1403. inner**

1404. innocent**

1405. innovation**

1406. input**

1407. inquire**

1408. insect*

1409. inside

1410. insight**

1411. insist**

1412. inspection**

1413. inspire*

1414. instance**

1415. instant**

1416. instead

1417. institute**

1418. institution**

1419. instruction

1420. instrument

1421. insurance*

1422. integrate**

1423. integrity**

1424. intelligent*

1425. intend*

1426. intense**

1427. intention**

1428. interaction**

1429. interest

1430. interesting

1431. internal**

1432. international

1433. Internet

1434. interpret**

1435. interrupt**

1436. intervention**

1437. interview

1438. into

1439. introduce

1440. introduction

1441. invent

1442. invention

1443. investigate**

1444. investment**

1445. invite

1446. involve**

1447. iron**

1448. island

1449. issue*

1450. it

1451. item**

1452. its

1453. itself

1454. jacket

1455. jam**

1456. January

1457. Japan

1458. Japanese

1459. jaw**

1460. jazz**

1461. jeans*

1462. job

1463. jog*

1464. join

1465. joint**

1466. joke

1467. journal*

1468. journalist**

1469. journey

1470. joy*

1471. judge*

1472. juice

1473. July

1474. jump

1475. June

1476. jungle**

1477. junior*

1478. just

1479. justice*

1480. justify**

1481. kangaroo*

1482. keep

1483. kettle**

1484. key

1485. keyboard

1486. kick

1487. kid

1488. kill

1489. kilo(kilogramme,kilogram)

1490. kilometre(kilometer)

1491. kind

1492. kindergarten**

1493. king

1494. kingdom**

1495. kiss

1496. kit**

1497. kitchen

1498. kite

1499. knee

1500. knife





前段时间,广东省佛山市公安局公布了一份名为“2020新生儿爆款名字”的榜单。其中, “梓×”这种组合,以绝对优势霸榜。






比如,《三国志·吴书》里记载的历史人物,成年后所取(一般由主持冠礼的长辈赐予)的字,以“子 ×”、“公 ×”、“德 ×”之类的组合最为流行。且看:




公瑾的 公与孔明的 孔,皆是当时全国流行的取名用字




这批“王 ×之”里,最为后世熟知的,自然是书法家 王羲之和 王献之父子。不难想象,如果琅琊王氏搞一次四世同堂的家宴,将这批“王 ×之”全部聚到一起,他们彼此间互相称呼,将会是何等妙事。

不光琅琊王氏,当时有名望的大家族,如东海徐氏、琅琊颜氏、范阳祖氏、鲁郡孔氏、河间褚氏、南阳范氏,吴郡顾氏、陇西李氏、太原王氏……乃至于皇族司马氏(晋朝)、萧氏(南朝齐),也都流行以“ ×之”来为子孙取名。知名者有裴松之、祖冲之、刘牢之等。

按万绳楠的研究,魏晋六朝之人,之所以喜欢以“ × 之”为名,是因为五斗米道的大流行。这个“之”字,乃是“作为五斗米道的符号而载入名中”。琅琊王氏是信奉五斗米道的世家,所以族中“×之”泛滥成灾;南朝宋文帝的长子刘劭信奉五斗米道,于是他的儿子也分别叫伟之、迪之和彬之。



再后来,当五斗米道与佛教遭受世俗政权的打压,地位急骤下降之后, “×之”、“ 僧 ×”这股取名风潮,也随之消失了。


到了 唐末五代,群雄割据,招贤纳士成为一种政治风尚。读书人为便于推销自己,或是对后代 寄托一种期望 ,纷纷给自己或子孙取名为“彦”(美士之意),仅见于正史记载者,就多达近150人,以致于清代史学家赵翼感慨说:“五代人多以彦为名,彦本美名,故人多以之为名,然未有如五代时之多者。”——在五代人的“名字爆款榜”上,“彦”字占据着绝对优势。且看:


到了宋代,读书人开始玩 “象数之学”,阴阳五行之说被以各种姿势弄得五光十色,姓名领域也受到波及。








其中,总体使用频率最高的6个字是: 英、华、玉、秀、明、珍。

划分时间段后,1949年9月30日之前出生者, 使用频率最高的10个字是: 英、秀、玉、珍、华、兰、桂、淑、文、明。

1949年10月1日至1966年5月出生者,使用频率最高的字是: 华、国、建、民(以及 援朝、保国、跃进等词)。

1966年6月至1976年10月底出生者, 使用频率最高的字是: 文、红、梅、军、东、立、斌、卫、兵。


时下霸榜的梓睿、梓晴、子睿、梓轩、梓豪、浩轩……究其本质,乃是2000年以前出生者,因不满足于他们的父母给自己所取的 婷、磊、昕、妍、璐、萌、曦、莹、蕾、娜……而继续向文雅、别致中努力寻求的结果。

只不过,这种寻求,明显受到了流行小说与偶像剧人物命名潮流的影响——可供参考的一项研究,是台湾2014年发布的一份《姓名统计分析》。其中提到,1950-1970年代出生的台湾男性,名字大多含有“志”字,比如志明、志伟;1970-1990年代,就变成了 家豪、冠宇、冠廷占据前排。




